Winning The Battle That Matters Most
Decent job? Check! House? Check! Benefits? Check!
401K? Roth IRA? Pension? Savings "for a rainy day"? Stocks? Holding an inheritance?
Check! Check! Check, check and check!
Good work, and we really do mean it however if you'll notice, that "secure" box at the very top of that list still remains unchecked.
Here's a question for you:
Out of all of those things, what are the chances that any combination of them alone will honestly yield enough for you to comfortably retire on in the way you know it really needs to?
To enjoy your remaining years with your family? To take those long-awaited vacations worry-free with? To cover new and growing costs that arise when you age? To even take care of your loved ones or to pass on to your children?
After we share this with you, you might want to consider an immediate plan of action so that you can check "secure" off that list too!
The Truth Of It All
Over and over, reports show that the current average retirement payout is still estimated at best case scenario under a million dollars in savings by which you're expected to live on from age 65 until death.
That's just a little under 5 years of coverage especially when you think about the current rate of inflation plus how much more you'll need to pay out for (ie., remaining property payments/maintenance, medical accommodations/bills, assisted living, final expenses, etc.) in your twilight years.
There is no way that its going to be enough without a final fight for your financial independence.
So how can you fight a winning battle against those numbers with what you've got going now? Invest, moreover, invest in cash-positive assets so you can focus more on your family rather than having to work a second or third job with no end in sight.
Here's your chance to advance!
Our company finds and structures optimal deals in multi-family and commercial Real Estate rentals that perform at a minimum of 12% and higher (targeting between 20-40% annual ROI to mature within 3-5 years), whereas your traditional structures (ie., savings accounts, 401Ks, Roth IRAs and other Securities) only offer a average maximum far below even 10%.
This is mainly because these avenues are only meant as a starting point or your "foundation" to build upon which rarely ever occurs to most so you end up experiencing a "glass ceiling" and plateauing at a certain point.
This is where we shine because their ceiling is our floor.
When you Partner with us, you get to take back command of your own life by sending your army of little green soldiers from being "on reserve" to "active duty" successfully converting your inactive holdings into real and appreciating properties that produce passive income to create long-term wealth for you.
Leave all the hammering, the landlording, the dealing with any of the property issues and headaches to us. Our team handles both the "field" and "back office" work while you get 100% of your investment returns plus interest that same season and also up to a 50/50 split of the equity plus all future profits from that property*.
You Also Get:
Tangible brick and mortar assets
Exponential passive income per asset
Maximum tax benefits
Maximum time reclaimed to spend with your loved ones.
Security given by the knowledge that you're being proactive with suitable partners about your overall future fiscal freedom.
Like the results? Was it fun? Let's do it again!
..and again!
There's no limit to how many times you can reinvest or much you can make, which is exactly what building generational wealth is all about; creating relationships, making money while you sleep and being able to break the chains attaching you to the grindstone so that you can be free to live your best life!
So if you have either:
money sitting idle in a 401K, Roth IRA or any dormant benefits package,
sufficient equity in either your home and/or idle properties that don't currently serve you,
a couple K in savings tucked away
or even a decent line of credit to work with...
..and you'd rather have it working for you instead of you doing all the work for it, then this is the opportunity that you didn't even know you've been waiting for.
Contact us below for a free consultation to determine whether partnering makes sense for you!